Sunday, November 3, 2013

Day Three of NaNoWriMo

Day Three of NaNoWriMo began with the sun shining; its rays streaming into my room. It was a beautiful fall morning in November. After several days of clouds, rain and cold weather, it was incredibly warming to see clear, blue skies and crisp leaves on the ground. After meeting some friends for brunch and running some errands, I felt in the mood for some baking.

Flipping open my laptop, the kitchen soon became filled with the fragment, delicious smells of sugar cookies. It was an excellent day for writing. Working on Chapter 3, I wrote until I reached 1,006 words and came to a perfect stopping point (for the mere sake of eating dinner).

Today's excerpt: I stopped and stared at my friend. "Before or after we braid each other's hair and paint our nails? He's not our friend, Ty. I'm doing this for the sole purpose of not being on his list of prankees in the foreseeable future."

Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and is progressing along in their NaNoWriMo journey!

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